Change Download Folder View Mac

If you are a novice in terms of using a Mac, have you asked yourself where all your downloaded files go? By default, all your downloaded files go to the Downloads folder. This applies to any downloads made from web browsers like Chrome, Safari, or even from file transfer apps like AirDrop. Since the Downloads folder is the default download destination in Mac, you may want to know how to quickly access it. Below are some of the fastest and easiest ways to get to the folder and access your files.

To change the specified location where downloaded files are stored — for example, if you’d like to save them directly to the desktop or scan them automatically with an antivirus application — follow these steps: Choose Safari→Preferences or press cmd+, (comma). Click the General tab, and then click the Save Downloaded Files To pop-up menu. How to change the default Mac app for specific file types; How to set your default web browser; How to set your default email reader; How to change the default Mac app for specific file types. Right-click on a file that uses the file type you'd like to change the default for. For example, one with a.jpg extension (a photo). How To Change Download Location Mac Chrome While there’s a dedicated download folder available on Mac, not all of us want to use that everytime we download something from the Internet.

Where to Find the Downloads Folder

In all Mac computers, the Downloads folder is located in the Home directory where it is aptly named the same, Downloads.

Another way to access it is to use the Finder’s sidebar.

  1. Go to Finder > Preferences > Sidebar.
  2. Check Downloads to make it accessible in the Sidebar.
  3. To get to the Downloads folder in less than a minute, press the keys Option + Command + L.

How to Change the Download Destination on Your Browser

Although the default file download destination is the Downloads folder, it can be changed on your browser. For instance, on Safari, this is how you do it:

  1. Open Safari > Preferences > General.
  2. Under File Download Location, select a different folder where you want to save your entire Safari downloads.

If you are worried that you might have a hard time looking for your downloaded files once you change the download destination folder, don’t be. In most cases, a Download button will appear in the web browser’s toolbar after every successful download. If you click it, you will see a list of all your recent downloads.

How to Manage Your Downloaded Files

With all the wide assortment of files you’ve downloaded to your Mac, expect your Downloads folder to be very messy. Some files are redundant, while others are nestled with your app installers, photos, and copies of your monthly utility bills.

Sort all your files to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for. Use the Finder’s column view to filter the files by type or by date. If there are larger files that are no longer needed, delete them.

Keep Your Mac Safe No Matter What You Download

While searching for something online, unnecessary files and applications may be unknowingly downloaded onto your Mac. Sometimes, you also find yourself downloading a plethora of stuff, which you don’t actually use and need.


Now, with all the junk files saved on your computer, it won’t be surprising that in the long run, your Mac becomes slow and inefficient. If you don’t want that to happen, start clearing space. Restore it to its former glory by locating the biggest space hogs using 3rd party cleaning tools like Tweakbit MacRepair. Once you have identified such files, get rid of them. Your Mac will be thankful if you did.

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I have been a Mac user for quite some time. There are three web browsers such as Safari, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox which I use the most on my Mac. While Safari is easily the top-notch choice for me, Chrome and Firefox are highly impressive as well.

I download a number of files regularly. By default, all the downloaded files are saved in the Download folders. But, what if you want to save any file to a specific location? You can easily change the download location on Mac.

We have already made a post on how to change Safari’s download location on Mac. And now, we are all set to walk you through the steps to change the download location in Chrome and Firefox. Let’s sail through!

How to Change Download Location in Chrome on Mac

Step #1. Launch Chrome on your Mac.

Step #2. Next up, you have to click on Menu icon from the top right corner.

Step #3. Click on Settings.

Step #4. Click on Show advanced settings and then scroll down to the “Downloads” section.

Step #5. Click on Change and select where you would want your downloaded files to be saved.

If want to choose a particular location for each download, you need to select the “Ask where to save each file before downloading” checkbox.

How to Change Download Folder in Mozilla Firefox on Mac

Step #1. Open Firefox on your Mac.

Step #2. Click on the menu icon from the top right corner.

Step #3. Select Preferences. (Alternately, you can also click on the Firefox menu at the top Mac bar, and then select Preferences.)

Step #4. Next, you have to click on Choose button at the far right.

Step #5. Now, you need to select the location that you want to set as the Default Download Location.

If you want to choose the download location each time you download, select Always ask me where to save files.

That’s it!

Which is your favorite web browser? How much do you use Safari on your Mac? Is Chrome the best in the world? Let us know your view in the comment section.

Jignesh Padhiyar is the co-founder of who has a keen eye for news, rumors and all the unusual stuff that happens around Apple products. During his tight schedule, Jignesh finds some moments of respite to share side-splitting contents on social media.

Change Download Folder View
